The building is used by forms and activity groups of the school as a base for outdoor trips and camping expeditions.
CAP is offered as a class, and at the end of each quarter, students are taken on an outdoor trip.
Students in all divisions are involved in athletics, fine arts, community service, outdoor trips, and interest clubs.
Among travelers over 65 in this group, 71 percent have taken an active outdoor trip in the last two years.
They're into all kinds of outdoor trips and stuff having to do with the mountains around here.
He was also the first, to produce studies for his oil paintings on strenuous outdoor trips.
This would lead to women on outdoor trips being marginalized for their lack of skill and not getting the opportunity to learn.
Hiking, climbing, canyoning and other outdoor trips are also available.
Here is a sampling of outdoor trips that are defined by their operators as not too difficult.
Grade 10 students can take OE15, a class with several outdoor trips, as an elective.