Streetlights did not have the electrical outlets needed to power the antennas, so outdoor hot spots cost about three times more than the indoor access points.
Weatherproof casings are available for outdoor spot and flood fixtures.
A local group of chess enthusiasts, meanwhile, wanted an outdoor spot to play and to hold competitions.
This year, campaigns bid on 11 outdoor spots, generating $78,500 for the state party.
Such costs will be divided among the campaigns, they added, depending on the value of their outdoor spots.
Not surprisingly, the best outdoor spots are in the less-crowded outskirts of Paris.
The lake also has a camping ground, and is popular as a general outdoor spot.
And even if we had more outdoor spots, early spring can still be chilly enough to turn your grilled tuna into salad fodder.
But unlike Weschler, they could fill some outdoor spots as well.
Since the availability of the outdoor spots was agreed on when I purchased the apartment, can the board rescind those privileges now?