The gardens and hardy collections consist of several formal displays and outdoor plantings:
Sow seeds outdoors after the last frost or start seedlings indoors 6 to 8 weeks before outdoor planting.
While Longwood combines magnificent outdoor plantings with a huge glass house full of impressive displays, Miss Duke's gardens are entirely under glass.
In the greenhouse are also some plants that are on display but, for one reason or other, are not suitable for outdoor planting.
It is suitable for indoor or outdoor planting.
Traditionally, containers for outdoor plantings are sturdy because plants grown on wind-swept rooftops, fire escapes and balconies need ballast.
The garden consists of outdoor plantings, a greenhouse (9,000 square feet), and a conservatory.
The outdoor plantings of bulbs, perennials, trees, fruits and vegetables change as spring turns to summer, so time your trip to your obsessions.
The grounds feature a half-acidic, half-basic rock garden, orchard and wildflower meadows alongside traditional outdoor planting.
The "leftovers" became the outdoor planting.