In Union Square Park, which has become an outdoor memorial to loss and grief, peace signs, antiwar slogans and pleas for nonviolence far outnumber demands for retribution.
The Oregon Holocaust Memorial is an outdoor memorial dedicated to victims of the Holocaust.
In June, Ms. Dooley joined the docents who walk around the outdoor memorial.
After the attacks, plans were developed for an outdoor memorial, with construction underway in 2006.
Two preserved Mark Vs, a Male and a Female, form part of an outdoor memorial at Luhansk in Ukraine; two more are in storage.
Each design incorporated a new home for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (a Smithsonian Institution entity), an outdoor memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, and exhibition and retail space.
"The revenue from the museum is the lifeblood for covering the operating expenses of the museum and the outdoor memorial," said Bob Johnson, chairman of the trust that oversees the memorial.
The Oregon Holocaust Memorial is an outdoor memorial in Oregon dedicated to all those killed in the Holocaust.
An outdoor memorial, commissioned by the Pentagon and designed by Julie Beckman and Keith Kaseman, was completed on schedule for its dedication on September 11, 2008.
The Task Force called for 'a symbolic outdoor memorial', a Memorial Museum, and for creation of Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism.