The truth about gypsies is, of course, much more complex than a few outdated stereotypes.
A reader complained that it was an outdated and inappropriate stereotype.
Should each be sworn in separately, or does that lend credence to outdated stereotypes about the disorder?
You're working on outdated stereotypes from a few years ago.
Modern commuters need to weigh up lots of factors when deciding making these moral decisions and can no longer rely on outdated stereotypes alone.
However, present and past circumstances have slightly shifted this outdated stereotype, from the 1958 Lebanon Crisis to the Lebanese civil war.
Again, the entertainment industry is guilty of perpetuating an outdated and damaging stereotype.
Look more seriously beyond the outdated stereotypes, however, and the Scout Association appears a perfect fit for the Duchess.
If the offices are similar, so is the message from their occupants: the unsavory reputation of the Caymans is an outdated stereotype.
Schappell relied heavily on many outdated stereotypes.