Both are "value" funds, which buy out-of-favor stocks with low price-earnings ratios.
Still, some investors may have the stomach to buy some of these small, cheap, out-of-favor stocks that are pure plays on air-pollution control.
Buying out-of-favor stocks and holding them for long periods occasionally produces a home run.
They weight the portfolio with out-of-favor stocks in a neglected sector and wait for the business cycle to restore those holdings to respectability.
"In the 60's and 70's, I was a pure contrarian, buying out-of-favor stocks," he said.
In fact, such out-of-favor stocks as Subaru usually are worth a second look.
One is buying cheap, out-of-favor stocks that stay that way or become even cheaper.
"Wait and see," he said, noting that the fund emphasizes out-of-favor stocks, which can be found in both small and big companies.
As a self-styled "contrary" investor, he often picks out-of-favor stocks.
But it is safe to say that value investors share a contrarian bent: they buy out-of-favor stocks and sell them when they become popular.