"We really don't want out-of-date information on our site," said Russell Johnson, a spokesman for SBC.
Those behind Operation Demetrius were accused of bungling, by arresting many of the wrong people and using out-of-date information.
Otherwise you run the risk of making business decisions based on out-of-date information, which can lead to business failure.
Various demographic information is full of usually minor errors, inaccuracies, and out-of-date information, which are often repeated elsewhere due to the Factbook's widespread use as a reference.
Publishing their analysis in the journal Nature Geoscience, they say the 20% figure was based on inaccurate and out-of-date information.
Loboc Children's Choir - Official website (may contain out-of-date information)
Occasionally, sites that copy and re-post our materials fail to check for updates, which results in out-of-date information being offered to users.
I've been feeding him useless, false and out-of-date information for almost two years.
Your customers will be put off by out-of-date or incorrect information.
The most diagnostic items were selected and items referring unnecessarily to military affairs or depending upon out-of-date information were eliminated.