When her daughters were given the car, Mrs. Fetsch presented them with something else - a contract that spells out the rules.
But for now, the bulletin simply lays out the existing rules with details and examples that may make restructuring reserves smaller and less common.
The captain afterwards came to Barnum and apologized for the rude manner in which he had carried out the rules of the ship.
Order 4 sets out the general rules as to venue.
To flesh out the four golden rules above, and perhaps trigger some ideas, I've put together some crucial considerations for you to share with your team.
Dan Forrester had spent his life working out the rules of the universe.
He then lays out the rules for the duration of the training, which includes no leaving and no consumption of alcohol.
Then he lays out the rules.
But the discovery was preliminary and required working out the rules and symmetries to establish the group.
It's time to even out the rules again, to respect immigrants and their contribution to this city.