He was 1 out of 5 employees testing the ride.
Three out of four employees said they understood the company's drive for higher standards and accepted the need for change.
Everyone who was at work that day, 69 out of 143 employees, is gone.
"I have a team of three people that just handles eBay for me out of 31 employees altogether," he said.
And he did not know that 10 out of 45 employees in the Met press office had worked for News International.
"I work for an insurance company, and out of 850 employees I'm the only vegetarian," he said.
The Department of Corrections, a high priority for the administration, will keep about 8,200 out of 9,350 employees working.
But almost one out of 10 employees making more than $100,000 a year were also 401(k) no-shows.
At the Interior Department, 1,450 out of 68,858 employees telecommute.
Today, it announced another 2,650 job cuts, 1,750 of them in Switzerland, out of 72,000 current employees.