This was out of a total of 148,650 calls received by the center during in that period.
The population was 2,187 at the 2010 census, out of a total of 7,246 in the entire town.
In 1991 the figure was 514 out of a total of 6,886.
By early April it had sold 1,000 companies out of a total of over 8,000.
His group claims it has 1,500 service members out of a total of 38,000 employees.
In 2005, 37 international students were enrolled, out of a total of 769.
By the year 1897, 629 Jews lived here out of a total of 1,780 people.
Four workers lost their lives, out of a total of 3,000 who worked on the site.
By 2009, 11 winners out of a total of 56 were women.
We thought that he had probably found just eight such examples out of a total of 1,000.