Acting out characters, as in drama events is generally frowned upon.
These episodes grant Drake more depth and the scriptwriters more time to flesh out characters and plotlines.
We would act out different characters, and especially loved the scenes with guns, swords or fighting.
He consciously used different styles of contemporary rock to flesh out different characters.
Ms. Sherman's first experiments acting out different characters for the camera were collages of black-and-white, cut-out photographs mounted on paper.
Their work method was to sit down at a table in Yomtov's small kitchen and figure out subjects and characters while playing cards.
Touches like these flesh out characters and bring variety to the score.
New character options, including Wealth and Interests, help flesh out characters more effectively.
Mr. McMurtry is allowed to set scenes in a leisurely way and flesh out characters dripping with inconsistencies.
This is a collection of nine animated short films intended to further flesh out the concepts, history, characters and setting of the series.