According to the book the 3 1/2 ounces of cheese that the recipe yields contain 200 calories.
Four ounces would contain 208 calories and 11 grams of fat.
Four ounces of firm tofu contains 5 grams of fat and only 80 calories.
An ounce of it, so mild that children will eat it, contains 112 milligrams of omega-3's.
Each 12-fluid ounce (355-ml) serving contains 37 mg of caffeine and 30 g of sugars.
Prunes should not be underestimated (4 ounces contain 8 grams of fibre).
An ounce of almonds contains 12% of necessary daily protein.
One ounce of almonds - about 24 nuts - contains 160 calories.
A single ounce, still known as the 'costliest perfume in the world", contains 10,600 jasmine flowers.