That otherworldly power curled between us, and for the first time I realized that the power came both ways.
He seems to think his heroine has some kind of special, otherworldly powers.
But then there were those frequent occasions when she seemed endowed with otherworldly power.
But another hope comes from someone, unbeknownst even to himself, possessing otherworldly power.
However, she attributes it to an occultic or otherworldly power not directly associated with God.
But at least he wasn't raising a small wind of his own otherworldly power or levitating a few inches off the floor.
"She wastes the otherworldly power, brother," Downey said, shaking his head.
The guards often believe in magic and otherworldly powers.
Project themselves into higher dimensions and play chess with otherworldly powers?
If I were an otherworldly power, I would create a new game that only had the little horses.