In 2008, the book The Bro Code, ostensibly written by Barney, was published.
"Playmates" is a popular song ostensibly written by Saxie Dowell.
Richards set up a blog,, that is ostensibly written by a sarcastic bovine.
These books were ostensibly written by a community of Punk writers on South Street in Philadelphia during the 1980s.
One genre of fake blogs is the parody blog; written ostensibly by a celebrity or other noteworthy individual.
Each has a short opening paragraph (ostensibly written by the editor) which enables the reader to quickly grasp what the article is about.
Meanwhile, off screen, HarperCollins last month published a new book ostensibly written by a character on "Passions."
There are also poems ostensibly written by the fictional disputants scattered throughout.
It was ostensibly written in English, but Alexander found he couldn't make heads or tails of what it actually said.
Mr. Isler's inspiration for writing the novel ostensibly written by Otto in the form of a journal was a much slower process.