Earl Browder was named to this delegation, ostensibly representing Kansas miners, with the non-party man Foster attending as a journalist representing the Federated Press.
The payment ostensibly represented both past disability benefits accruing to the time of the settlement and the taxpayer's foregone future benefits under the plan.
It ostensibly represents Perth as 'the greatest city in the world', while an enthusiastic voice over is contradicted with images of an empty city.
In the exhibition itself you can see clearly how wishes, dreams and myths are embodied in pictures that ostensibly represent the world simply as it appears to visual perception.
The lawyers are ostensibly representing the employee, not the utility under investigation, but the effect of this dual representation is for the company to know instantly what the regulators are looking at.
There are several paintings and drawings of small towns and the countryside, ostensibly representing an urbanite's vision of escape, but seemingly out of place in this already disparate exhibition.
Rep. J.C. Watts, R-Okla., who ostensibly represents the party's conservative wing, followed Livingston on the show.
The legislative branch consisted of an appointed Legislative Council and an elected Assembly, which ostensibly represented the interests of the colonists.
In the same way, it gains more income by licensing additional uses of the works, even if those uses run counter to the interest of the authors and publishers it ostensibly represents.
But five of those candidates, who ostensibly represent portfolio investors, were nominated by Gazprom management.