From a non conservative or orthodox Jewish perspective, yes they can be seen as totally daft but have you ever thought why these and other similar strictures were put into the Tanakh?
It casts a thoroughly skeptical perspective on the book, since the two came from very different academic perspectives, generally more orthodox and conservative in their outlook politically.
The review argued that the book's contentions were "all perfectly to the point", and that the book was "well-argued", but due to its orthodox left-wing perspective omitted some potentially interesting lines of inquiry such as Hitchens's possible bisexuality.
Similar views were held by a protégé of Lyell, John William Dawson, who was a prominent Canadian geologist and commentator, from an orthodox perspective, on science and religion in the latter part of the 19th century.
Viewed from an orthodox Islamic perspective, the Gospel of Barnabas might be considered a Christian work, as its many points of difference from the Qur'an suggest; hence, it too may be expected to have undergone corruption and distortion.
For most economists the period from 1974 to the present is filled with inconsistencies, which Joyce Kolko does her best to explain from an orthodox Marxist perspective.
The evidence for this belief has been analyzed from an orthodox Jewish perspective by Shnayer Z. Leiman.
During his time in the Church Historian's office, Jenson was a prolific writer, presenting the history of the Latter-day Saints from an orthodox perspective.
He is mentioned by several Christian writers and anti-Manichaean polemicists of the 3rd and 4th centuries CE, including Cyril of Jerusalem, Hippolytus and Epiphanius, and is first mentioned in the fourth-century work, Acta Archelai, a critical biography of Mani from an orthodox perspective.