There is Kalavati, who uses an ornate language which only her daughter-in-law understands.
This eastern variety of devotional prose is, in general, marked by less ornate language.
The book, with ornate language, describes an individual's destruction through alcoholism and eroticism.
This is clothed in ornate language, but he seems merely impatient to knead, make, heat and bake the girl, encouraged by Pandarus's drooling imagery.
Brown's ambition and achievement in "Audubon's Watch" lie in the sensual effects of his ornate, overripe language.
As mentioned above, he lived in a time of flowery, ornate language.
Almost entirely missing (except in the speech of the Kukuanas) is the ornate language usually associated with novels of this era.
His ornate language immediately turns off most people, but Junaid had a reason for writing so cryptically.
Widl's language, vacuously ornate, is in large part answered by young Mozart's music, though the composer sometimes rises above his texts.
The poet's duty was to glorify the event in an ornate language in verse.