Buchanan's Hotel in Townsville was built in 1903, with an ornate wrought iron and stained-glass facade in the Filigree style covering its front verandas.
His soft leather shoes whispered along the ornate iron, then he launched himself across an alley to land cat-quiet on the flat root of the building one story down.
Unfortunately, while the department has restored the tower's striking exterior, it has no plans to open the interior, in which an ornate iron stairway circles to six landings, each with sweeping views of Manhattan and the Bronx.
Porches and fences in urban neighborhoods such as Jackson Ward, Church Hill, and Monroe Ward are particularly elaborate, often featuring ornate iron casts never replicated outside of Richmond.
Some aspects of the building-such as the highly detailed brass doorknobs and door hinges, the carved door frames, and ornate iron grating over the air vents-were retained.
Upstairs is the original courtroom, with an ornate iron judges' dais, wainscoting and 24-foot ceilings.
It features a full width front porch with ornate iron supports and scrollwork.
Lastly, a steep, dark slate mansard roof with ornate iron cresting completed the peaks in a traditional detail of the day.
The gate itself was of iron, higher than the level of the stones and very ornate.
She pulled the latch cord, but someone pushed the door open from the inside before she started to tug on the ornate iron handle.