As a result, many ornamental objects once again survived, if only to become the focus for the activities of Puritan iconoclasts during the civil war.
To the ancient Celts, certain trees held special significance as providing fuel, building materials, ornamental objects and weaponry.
The more than 200 pieces on display were exported to the American colonies and include ornamental objects as well as those in everyday household use.
The strength of Mason's ironstone body enabled them to produce ornamental objects of considerable size.
Gold glitters in the form of at times highly intricate ornamental objects, expressive masks and women's jewellery.
It seems they were simple ornamental objects, a common trait to many similar items found in Romania.
Also characterized by intensive use of copper in the manufacture of ornamental objects, tools and weapons.
Amongst the distinctly ornamental objects in stone there are imitations of corn cobs.
Made of solid gold and set with 24 large gems, this highly ornamental object at second glance shows great refinement.
Woodturners throughout the world value Banksia pods for making ornamental objects.