By then academic subjects had replaced the ornamental arts in most female academies, relegating stichery to an extracurricular activity.
She presided over the useful and ornamental arts, both those of men- such as agriculture and navigation- and those of women,- spinning, weaving, and needlework.
This period produced some of the highly distinctive monumental and ornamental art, culminating in the development of the Insular art style, common across Britain and Ireland.
The church once had amazingly decorated old doors in the best traditions of Armenian ornamental art: they were removed after the end of the Soviet Union.
As a Celtic expert writes in the show's catalogue, 'Theirs is the first, the oldest, the greatest and the most illuminating ornamental art that Europe has ever known.'
This also includes rides on a Bullock cart, an Auto rikshaw, and the public bus which is world-famous for ornamental art on the outside as well as the inside.
Nevertheless, an ornamental, secular art does exist and includes pipes, spoons, earplugs, and musical instruments.
No one knew quite what to do with their glittery, craftsy, seriously ornamental art at the time.
Trompe l'oeil style painting and ornamental art are used frequently to create a more inviting atmosphere within the church.
These tents later influenced Turkish architecture and ornamental arts.