Echo originated as a stopover along the Mormon trail.
Seismologists can make a good guess of how an earthquake originating along one fault will cause additional earthquakes in connected faults.
Small laterals originate along the taproot, but many die back during the fall.
Many settlements originated on the road along the Limes, including Bodegraven.
A spherically focused transducer is most sensitive to thermoacoustic waves originating along a line passing through its focal point.
The psoas major originates from the last vertebra and along the lumbar spine to stretch down into the pelvis.
It tends to originate along the outer edges of the lungs in the smaller airways.
Alternatively, trains might originate along the Midtown Corridor (see below).
The church originated from a brush arbor along the Buffalo Bayou.
A number of rivers originating from the Sahyadri run along the outer reaches of the city.