Of those, five were originally suspected to have more than one planet.
"I asked if it makes a difference that this culture is more advanced than we originally suspected."
If that is so, then we have two teams of terrorists, not one as I'd originally suspected.
Based on the preliminary findings of the study, researchers now say that the disease is quite different from what they had originally suspected.
It turned out the fight had been over drugs as we had originally suspected.
Clearly, as I suspected originally, his great interest is in you, which surely clarifies the position.
These summaries suggested far greater environmental damage than originally suspected.
The police originally suspected vengeful drug dealers in the car bombing.
Park service officials, who originally suspected they were dealing with one culprit, are now fairly sure there are two.
The campus police originally suspected that Smart had gone on an unannounced vacation, as was common among students over the holidays.