They could not achieve the goal in a single step within the required timeline originally specified by the Chinese military.
The decision was taken to continue the Academy's work until the five-year period, originally specified by Bennett, had been completed.
As originally specified for the standard class, the landing gear was a fixed monowheel.
The order was cancelled due to "capacities of the vessel not corresponding with those specified originally".
These called for a much heavier design than had been originally specified in 1931.
Is there some reason we're not setting the end zone ablaze during the extra-point attempt, as I originally specified?
The weight of the coin was originally specified as 108 grains, equivalent to 6.998 grams.
It could not, however, attain the speed originally specified by the Air Force with this engine.
The system was originally specified by a multi-contractor and government committee.
The programs that allow funds to be transferred to an institution other than the one originally specified have certain limited advantages.