Sandy originally shared the role with his brother, but they decided that Sandy was better for the role.
That magazine originally shared the company's name but it evolved and was later renamed "Recreational Computing."
It originally shared a space with Milwaukee Public Library.
He originally shared the flat with Moz when the duo moved to it together as a 'bachelor pad' in 1993.
The entanglement originally shared between Alice's and Bob's is now broken.
It was built in 1889, although the Methodists originally shared a church building with the Congregationalists between 1793 and 1832.
Anna originally shared most of her moves with her sister, but has since gained a more unique moveset.
Few if any patterns reflect preferential sharing among historically dispersed groups that originally shared a common linguistic descent.
Rick originally shares his father's pacifist view of war, until the alien race known as the Zentraedi attack the Earth.
City Lights originally shared the building with a number of other shops.