Originally priced at $138,000 to $569,000, his minimum bid prices, after the absolute sales, will range form $64,000 to $245,000.
The units, originally priced at $140,000 to $750,000, sold quickly.
For example, a 2,000-square-foot town house originally priced at $225,000 has been reduced to $180,000.
Originally priced at $45.00, it was reduced to $29.00.
The house, originally priced at $2.75 million, sold last summer for $1,450,000 after almost three years on the market.
The house came on the market late last year and was originally priced at $4.5 million.
Many homes originally priced at $1 million, for example, now fetch $150,000 to $250,000 less.
They were originally priced between 1 and 60 cents.
The house, a high ranch with a pool and a stream in back, was originally priced at $445,000.
Originally priced at $450,000, it quickly sold for $275,000.