The three remaining of the six originally mounted in the bow came to life instantly.
It is usually grey in color and was originally mounted on the distributor.
That exhibit was originally mounted in 2003 at the Station, a contemporary arts museum in Houston.
The companies which Major McNeill found and began to organize into a regiment were originally mounted.
Many of these reliable engines soldier on today, still powering the aircraft to which they were originally mounted.
They were originally mounted for use against the new (steam-driven) torpedo boats which started to enter service in the late 1870s.
Originally mounted on a black ebony stand, this was replaced in 1961 by the current polished wooden base.
Speed is controlled by a rheostat, originally mounted on the treadle pad but later as an independent pedal for foot or knee control.
The Buffalo Statue was originally mounted on a large tree stump.
Garden Battery c.1747 and 1863 - an 18th-century saluting platform, originally mounted with 21 guns to greet visitors.