Details of the new bid were not available, but local news reports put the price at 100 billion yen ($853 million), which is about twice what Softbank originally invested.
Mr. Brown originally invested $8 million of his own money along with the $27 million loan from the Bank of Boston, for a total of $35 million.
The company is supported by a number of investors including Mike Markkula who originally invested in Apple Computer Inc in 1976 and brought that company to market.
She will be satisfied, she said, if she gets back the $47,000 she originally invested.
When you cash in or redeem your CD at maturity, you receive the money you originally invested plus any accrued interest.
Elmo originally invested $40,000 of his own money to produce the original album and music video for "Grandma..." and in return, he's become "a millionaire five times over".
GM originally invested in Suzuki in the early 1980s.
Loews will have done very well in CBS, in which it originally invested about $800 million.
Moreover, he said, the customer's heirs would receive at least the amounts originally invested into the funds and the health care component.
(2) Investments carrying contingent liability: A statement that the investor may not only lose all of the amount originally invested or deposited, but may also have to pay more later.