A portrait of Jesus originally hung on a wall at Bridgeport High School.
Mrs. Fucikova says she is excited to be able to show works in the royal stables where some of the paintings originally hung.
Each refurbished curtain will return to the place where it originally hung.
A third mosaic by Salviati originally hung in the tympanum above the tower's front doors.
The bell in front of Farmington View originally hung at Laurel School.
Until the late 1990s, the numbers originally hung on the right-field facade in the order in which they were retired: 9-4-1-8.
It hung originally in the plex of the old world government that preceded the Federation,?
Both main wings are held up entirely by the four large mounts that the engines originally hung from.
The church bell, originally hanging in the southern tower, came from the sailing ship Tranby, which brought the original members of the congregation to the colony.
Two chandeliers originally hung from the lobby ceiling but were replaced by modern fixtures.