It was one of the more disciplined pirate vessels, having originally fled one of the Uranus navies and retaining a fair percentage of military personnel.
They are members of a religious group that originally fled from Holland and Belgium in the 16th century to escape persecution and eventually resettled in these areas.
Among those who originally fled through barren, war-torn southern desert were thousands of children, mostly boys, some as young as five.
After Odo originally fled, the Muslims became overconfident, and instead of maintaining strong outer defenses around their siege camp, and continuously scouting, did neither.
Paul, who was born into a wealthy family in Alexandria in the mid-3rd century, originally fled to the Eastern Desert to escape Roman persecution.
Paretti originally fled to Italy to escape capture.
They originally fled the South because, to save Del's life, Tiger broke his vows as a seventh level sword-dancer, declaring himself elaii-ali-ma.
He originally fled to Rio to avoid a prison sentence after he was convicted of tax evasion in 1980.
But now they may well be sent back, against their will, to Rwanda, the place they originally fled.
Was that the evil from which the Anasazi originally fled?