These were placed in a watering can made of a four-gallon paraffin tin which had been fashioned originally for Doc's cactus garden.
The Kigmy story was originally fashioned as a metaphor for racial and religious oppression.
Originally fashioned from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), pocket protectors were first marketed toward corporations as branded promotional fare.
What emerges when we do this is that the philosophy in question was originally fashioned to suit scientists.
Whoever had originally fashioned the cave as a home must have been a real craftsman, a stonemason probably, everything so professionally done.
A helmet that had lost its crest was jammed well down on his narrow head, for it had been originally fashioned for a much larger man.
When he did so he realized he was standing in the mock court he'd fashioned originally for Picard.
Dormont was originally fashioned from parts of Scott and Union Townships.
Tippers were originally fashioned from a double-ended knuckle bone, but are now commonly made from ash, holly, or hickory wood.
In Tibet the hats are known as "wa sha," or "fox hats," because they were originally fashioned from a fox pelt and wrapped around the head.