The case, filed in a Pennsylvania state court five days before the revival opened on Broadway, was originally dismissed.
The case was originally dismissed on an issue of jurisdiction, but the party demanded $14,000 for attorney fees.
Originally dismissed as "outlandish" and "irresponsible", my position is increasingly becoming conventional wisdom.
Even the Boxster was originally dismissed by some purists as an entry-level wannabe.
The lawsuit was originally dismissed by a federal judge in Virginia in 2004.
Assange's team said his arrest warrant amounted to an abuse of process because the allegations were originally dismissed and then reopened.
Justice Winslow had originally dismissed that part of the lawsuit, saying the plaintiffs had to show that the discrimination was intended.
The District Court of Helsinki had originally dismissed the claims in a decision on November 15, 2006.
Rusbridger admitted that he had originally dismissed Twitter as "silly" but now saw its huge benefits for media companies in building communities and distributing news.
The lawsuit was originally dismissed for a lack of jurisdiction, but that decision was reversed by the Seventh Circuit.