Injury was originally cited as the reason for McGibbon's retirement, but after he went on record with major criticisms of the Glentoran board, it became apparent that there were deeper reasons for his departure.
The King said Saddam Hussein also told him that he never intended to invade Saudi Arabia, a threat that was originally cited by the United States in sending troops there.
The Internet was originally cited as a model for this superhighway; however, with the explosion of the World Wide Web, the Internet became the information superhighway" (464).
Note that Courvoisier's original observations, published in Germany in 1890, were not originally cited as a 'law', and no mention of malignancy was made.
(c) Consider denying a COC for reasons of nonresponsibility not originally cited by the contracting officer.
It was originally cited for release in the US as 'Pocket Pets', by O3 Entertainment.
Today they said two dozen American warships had stopped to refuel in Aden since the Navy began using the facilities there in early 1999 - double the 12 visits that officials had originally cited.
On November 18, 2011, The LCME Appeals Panel reconvened, and affirmed each of the areas of non-compliance originally cited by the LCME.
Wikipad was originally cited for a March 2012 release, but the company continued works on the tablet and so was delayed.