The show first opened in Philadelphia in 1994; an original-cast recording came out in 1997.
But I can say that "Follies" is a sensational musical and should be seen, or at least heard: there is always the original-cast recording.
The original-cast recording of "Rent" will finally be released on Aug. 27.
These somewhat whimsical, far from definitive lists refer to the original-cast recordings of Broadway musicals, not the musicals themselves.
He said the technical sound quality of the 1945 original-cast recording, with John Raitt, made a new version, in updated sound, desirable.
Since then, however, Blitzstein's score has won many admirers through an original-cast recording.
The original-cast recording with Barbara Cook as Amalia was out of print and treasured.
In 1987 Polydor released a CD of the original-cast recording.
To my mind, the best of "Buddy" can be found on the original-cast recording.
With considerable energy, technical expertise and expense, these labels have revived the original-cast recordings of often unrevivable musicals from the mid-1940's to the mid-1970's.