A dozen cigars stuck out of it, still in their original wrappings.
He liked to see each package in its original wrapping.
'In original wrappings' he announced.
The fire and efforts to extinguish it heavily damaged much of the supplies inside, which included science and sports equipment, scissors, crayons, and books, many still unused and in their original wrapping.
Especially tempting last Sunday were the many tables piled with items selling for $1, like old fabric remnants and linens, assorted silverware, comic books and Mazda light bulbs from the 1930's in their original wrapping.
Things were everywhere, collected but uncatalogued, most still in the original wrapping.
But much of the contents of the warehouses survived the blaze, including a vast array of test tubes, bottles and petri dishes, some still in their original wrapping.
The bulk of their collection, for the most part unframed, was packed away, much of it only recently removed from the original wrappings.
She did, however, sniff the water before taking a sip to roll around in her mouth; but it was good Petaybee water, and the ration bar was standard Intergal in its original wrapping, complete with bar-coding.
The mummy of Amenhotep I, a pharaoh who died about 3,500 years ago, is still in its original wrappings; on his chest is a spray of lotus flowers placed there when he was entombed.