Aliasing matters when one attempts to reconstruct the original waveform from its samples.
Waveshaping synthesis changes an original waveform by responding to its amplitude in a non-linear fashion.
However, wavetable synthesis is identical to the special case of waveshaping synthesis where the original waveform is a sawtooth wave.
For any original waveform, the process of reducing the waveform amplitude by 20% results in regular errors.
Taking a (sampled) waveform as its starting point, the function fills in gaps between samples with a replica of the original waveform, contracted in time.
This can produce a "warmer" sound impression than the original waveform, especially if the wave is rounded off in certain ways.
The sine wave that has the same frequency as the original waveform is called the fundamental component.
The deviation of the received signal waveform from that of the original transmitted waveform.
The output waveform contains the original waveform, cos(ωt), plus a new harmonic term, cos(3ωt), the third-order.
In contrast to samplers, romplers do not record audio and have limited or no capability for generating original waveforms.