The most outrageously original vocals coupled with the living acid riff.
Performed the original female lead vocals in Kid Rock's hit picture.
This version also used Robin's original vocals with a new remix of the instrumental track.
After the music was 'put to hard drive', Broeksmit would write and record original vocals on these songs.
But since Gaye didn't like his original vocals, he re-recorded them twice during the 1970's.
The original vocals are distorted so that the voice is almost unrecognizable.
Castellaneta came in and recorded eight new takes, which was mixed together with some of the original vocals.
However, the dialogue is taken directly from the films unlike the other two, which feature original vocals.
Celebrities and voice artists who voiced characters' original vocals were brought in without being told details of the project.
Some of the original vocals, recorded in her front room, remain on the finished record.