If this purpose differs from the original thesis, the author must decide from which thesis to continue writing.
They establish a friendship that burgeons into love, thus either proving or disproving Harry's original thesis.
Bach continued to elaborate upon her original thesis up to the time of her death in 1981.
Despite your protests, I keep going back to my original thesis.
Jones and Christopher also questioned their original thesis about design methods.
In history they're doing a research paper with an original thesis.
At that time he pursued a master's degree in gastroenterology with the presentation of an original thesis.
But I'm afraid I'm making her sound too much like the best English novelist writing today, so let's return to my original thesis.
Instead it only reiterated its original thesis: Bobbi's in trouble.
The book edition of Earth in Flower contains the complete original thesis with additional photos, new graphics, and supplemental information.