For the original strains of the bug had a novel property: they were a treasure house of neurotoxins.
He's one of the few Lionmen left of the original strain.
Possibly of the old guard, but in any case not too far removed from the original strain, the Wamphyri themselves.
The samples of Marburg taken from Ustinov's organs were more powerful than the original strain.
The scanners should tell us how old they are and whether or not they're the original strain and not a more recent hybrid.
"It's not as bad" as the original strain, Williams insisted yesterday.
The result: the original strain is no longer pure.
Don't know that the original strain is dissimilar merely in color and not in essence.
I would not encourage breeding cross species because as a fish keeper, we would like to keep original strains.
Many of the other churches were based on, or had in some sense even been caused by, subtle doctrinal variants of the original strain.