Late last week the Bush administration announced that it would add nearly $20 billion to its original request for the 2002 defense budget.
It halved its original request for additional space from 47,500 to 26,800 square feet.
The original request for $7 million was reduced by a Senate subcommittee to $4,125,000.
The officials said the Clinton administration's original request for the project in 2001, $74 million, would have forced it to shut down.
Listen, I was the one who put in the original request!
After some minor changes to the Governor's original requests the final version was passed.
Waiting for the traffic light to change the other afternoon I encountered the corner's most original request yet.
Over all, in addition to the airline aid, Congress added about $1 billion to the president's original request.
He would have been suspicious had we met his original request without argument.
This is more than half the original administrative request for an increase of 5.2%.