Later, she was in the cast of the original rendition of the Zeigfeld musical Show Boat in 1927, as well as its revival in 1932.
It is a cover version of Laura Branigan's 1984 rendition of the Umberto Tozzi 1977 original.
Some versions are extended to four minutes or more in length and few, if any, are as brief as Newman's original rendition.
The original rendition sold 42,000 copies in the week of the Glee Cast release, up 48% on the previous week.
A human shell, unwilling, even unable, to stray from the original rendition, a repository for his tales and music that could render them unto generations.
The Stilwater of Saints Row 2 is significantly different from its original rendition; the city is 45% bigger than its older counterpart.
White was the only act to receive a standing ovation from the judging panel for her dramatic and original rendition of the song.
Features notable independent folk artists performing original renditions of "classic American storm songs."
- appears always with a child strapped to her back, the original rendition of backwards-and-in-heels.
The IMA's LOVE is the original sculptural rendition of the design.