The person collecting the passport must also provide our consular staff at the reception his or her own identification, and if possible, the original receipt.
The company lets the purchaser of a book read and return it, with the original receipt, within six months for a 50 percent refund.
With an original receipt a customer can return a product and a receive a full refund in the same tender used to make the purchase.
Most will only reimburse you if you have the original receipt.
The original receipts etc. should be obtained if possible.
Americans are eligible for tax refunds if they save original receipts and fill out official forms.
The museum plans to reupholster the chair according to the upholsterer's original receipts.
She had one original receipt, but the rebate offer called for three separate original receipts.
The original receipt called for putting a lost spirit into a body, his or another's.
To make a claim, a completed form must be sent in with original receipts that include taxes paid and a customs declaration.