I could sense that there was a good game in there, but I couldn't convince any of my original opponents to play it again.
His original opponent, Mats Nilsson, had to pull out of the fight due to injury.
I do not believe Hillary could have defeated her original opponent for the Senate, Rudy Giuliani.
He replaced the last man to defeat him, Murphy's original opponent, Rob Emerson, who had to pull out of the fight due to injury.
His original opponent, Jim Stork, dropped out before the election for medical reasons, but his name remained on the ballot.
Kevin Nash was Chris Sabin's original opponent, but had a neck injury at the time.
Moors was the original - there was a time when he had been the only - opponent of the puppet king.
Houghton's original opponent, Curtis Mason, was forced to drop out of the race.
Her original first-round opponent was, after all, Judith Wiesner of Austria, the new 16th-seeded player.
Sims took the fight on less than a weeks notice after Kyle's original opponent got injured.