However, the integrity of the original design has been maintained and it operates in the original manner.
Best known for his songs, Cook used folk elements in an original and distinct manner.
They continued to be built in the original manner until the early 1970s, around 140 were built over this period.
Mr. Morris also played with the composer's structure in an original manner.
These nymphs are tied in the original manner and made with the traditional materials used by Sawyer.
While the show was billed as early morning news and weather, Kovacs provided this and more in an original manner.
Though jointly credited, the fifty minute score was created in an original manner which owed much to the circumstances in producing it.
It contributes to a new understanding of familiar material by treating it in an original and thought-provoking manner.
Ms. Hlinka restored the original grand manner of the ballerina role.
Later it was misspelt as Manorhina, but is now spelt in its original manner.