This might be a different company from the original lender.
The original lenders often do not want to set a precedent by letting borrowers pay back loans for much less than the original value.
So they then decided to take on the project themselves, and the original lender agreed to let them step in as the new developers.
Staying with the original lender often can save on upfront origination costs for a new loan.
But that approach can be impossible if your original lender sold your loan to a third party.
In many cases, he said, the original lender will continue to "service" the loan and collect the monthly mortgage payments from borrowers.
So we decided to go back to our original lender, Sound Federal, and see what they were offering.
The defendants in the cases include several banks and mortgage buyers that bought those disputed loans from the original lenders.
Mr. Luxemburg also recommended going back to your original lender.
If there genuinely seems to be an error, Countrywide will work with the original lender to sort it all out.