The programme featured contemporary Radio One jingles, but with the sung word "one" in the original jingle replaced by a Radio Four continuity announcer speaking the word "four".
Homer's original jingle, "Call Mr. Plow, that's my name, that name again is Mr. Plow!"
Vigrass and Osborne, the performers of the original jingle, added lyrics to the song and recorded it for inclusion on their 1972 album Queues.
The original jingle is now playing again on the Web site.
It was this discovery that led marketers to license pop songs for advertising instead of commissioning original jingles.
The original jingles (July 1992-September 1993) were re-sings of Century 21's 'Madison Avenue' package.
Here's the link to our original jingle:
He could invite his readers to compose original jingles about the sixth month.
The words were then set to music created by Mark Vieha, who performed the original jingle.
Under the Ascap system, original jingles are compensated at 3 percent the rate of featured music, up from 1 percent in the 1970's.