The original interchange was built on the site by Midland Red in 1929 to be used as a bus depot.
Part of the interchange was moved to the south and west of the original interchange.
For the realigned Highway 402, a new interchange was constructed with Highway 40 just north of the original interchange.
The southern half of Route 143 begins with the original interchange with University Drive, and then one with Interstate 10 and US 60.
Little of the original interchange remained when the project was finished.
The original interchange was changed due to numerous difficulties for semis trying to merge into the single lane going to I-44 and Route 66.
It eventually exits U.S. 219 at Scalp Avenue, the original interchange, and continues east toward Windber.
The original interchange is now exit 11W.
It opened in 1956 as one of the original interchanges.
It was one of the original 1956 interchanges.