"Perhaps your original hypothesis deserved more consideration than I was prepared to give it at the time."
Most often, however, particularly in Key's (1955) original hypothesis, it is a single "critical election" that marks a realignment.
Suppose, now, that we return once more to the original hypothesis; let us see whether, on a further review, any new aspect of the question appears.
In general, published papers present original hypotheses, reviews, commentary, and speculation.
Over the years if my original hypothesis survives rigorous examination it may be promoted to the status of a theory.
The results of the experiment confirmed the original hypothesis.
"This adds strength to our original hypothesis that there is a correlation between neuronal turnover and learning," he said.
The fact that they are talking at all indicates our original hypothesis is correct.
The statistical order is then related to our original hypothesis.
Their original hypothesis will most likely be the story's final verdict.