The suit in which Mr. Skelton was one of the original claimants wound up with thousands of plantiffs represented by nine law firms.
It also added a proviso to Article 8, prohibiting any assignment of the half-breed scrip until after the patent had been issued to the original claimant, after 5 years of proving up the claim.
As the years pass, the shipyard workers who dominated the original claimants are being replaced by workers in the construction, petrochemical, steel and tire industries.
As one of the original claimants to the contested Spratly Islands, the Philippine government was now showing their appreciation for the submarine war being waged by Cheyenne.
Creemore was one of the original claimants for the location of Ontario's smallest jailhouse.
The original claimants were all dead by that point.
It's a case where both the original claimants, their relatives, and others may seek information on the records.
As I was saying, if an existing singer's claim is worked, there'll be a levy of twenty five percent on your cut which is to go to the original claimant.
The following is a partial list of the subdivision plots on Kellersberger's Map together with the names of their original claimants:
The report showed that a majority of the land was in the hands of small holders, and approximately half the acreage was still owned by the original claimants.