One source I consulted has 800 of his original cartoons but no biographical information.
His challenge was "to maintain the feeling and flavor of the original cartoons, without trying to copy them 100 percent."
This "basement strip" grew into something much larger than the original cartoon.
The show was a huge hit amongst children who had very little entertainment from original cartoons until then.
These widows were lost during the war, but have been reproduced from the original cartoons.
He then personally contacted potential clients, and even gave away some original cartoons as inducements.
Also scheduled is an auction with offerings like original cartoons, restaurant dinners and personal services.
However, the film was praised for being closer to the original cartoon than the first movie.
New artistic models of the characters were used for this series, though still having a passing resemblance to the original cartoons.
These segments featured different artwork compared to the original 1960s cartoons.