Nor did the fact that the official crowd estimates were about the same as those from the original Woodstock.
There is no need to further romanticize the original Woodstock.
Something like "May not be suitable for viewing by people who were at or near the original Woodstock."
The original Woodstock drew 500,000 people, almost of all of whom entered without paying the $18 ticket price.
For them, the original Woodstock has been given an idealistic gloss and absorbed into the culture.
The date was rescheduled for August 22, 2009, one week after the original Woodstock took place.
They forgot the true meaning of the original Woodstock.
"The original Woodstock we turned down years and years ago," he said.
Indeed, that may be 10 times too high, even though cyberspace is touted as the hippest place since the original Woodstock.
Few people ever talk about the music at the original Woodstock, and for a reason.